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Old School Cafe
Closed now

The following information is available for Old School Cafe:

The Old School CafΓ© is an old country school building that has been converted into a restaurant.

Opening hours

Ready for a visit? Check the following opening hours for Old School Cafe:

Wednesday:06:30 am - 01:00 pm
Thursday:06:30 am - 01:00 pm
Friday:06:30 am - 01:00 pm
Saturday:06:30 am - 01:00 pm
Sunday:08:00 am - 01:00 pm

Note that opening hours may vary based on (public) holidays.

Old School Cafe can be found at the following address:

515 Clay St

Check the map to see where you can find Old School Cafe.

Food style

The following food styles are available at Old School Cafe:

Click on the link(s) above to find similar restaurants in Mantorville.

Do you need to book a table? Or maybe you have some questions regarding the menu? Use the following telephone number to get in touch with Old School Cafe:

(507) 635-3663
Price range

Old School Cafe is in the following price range:


Here is how other visitors have rated Old School Cafe:

5.0/5.0 (26 vote(s))

The following parking options are available:

Payment options

The following payment options are available:

Cash only

The following services are available:

Groups, Kids, Outdoor, Reserve, Takeout, Waiter, Walkins

What has happend at Old School Cafe lately? Here you can find relevant news:


Stop in for lunch today and enjoy some of Doug's amazing beef stew!


After hours of shoveling and plowing, we are open for business for a few hours. Please stay safe and don't venture out unless you need to!


Linda is selling Valentine's Day cookies. $7/dozen. Send us a message or call 507-635-3663 to order!


The sun art in Linda's garden is frozen solid! Stay warm friends! We plan to be open tomorrow, so stop in for a hot meal!


*NOTICE* We will be closed today, through January 25th. Our cook, Doug, is having knee-replacement surgery today and will need several weeks to recover! We apologize for any inconvenience, and hope to see you back when we reopen at the end of the month. We wish you all a very happy 2019!


~CHRISTMAS COOKIES~ Linda is taking orders for Christmas cookies! *Tax is included in the prices listed. *You can purchase half dozen orders as well. Send us a message or call us at 507-635-3663 to order. Frosted Sugar Cookies -Trees $7/dozen -Snowmen $8/dozen Gingerbread Men $8/dozen Spritz $6/dozen (plus a few extra!) Chocolate Dipped Peanut Butter $7/dozen Russian Tea Cakes$6/dozen Chocolate Chip $6/dozen Ginger $6/dozen Peanut Butter $6/dozen Oatmeal $6/dozen Sugar $6/dozen


Small business Saturday at the Old School Cafe! We are having a drawing to win Historic Mantorville coffee mugs! Thank you to all our wonderful customers that support our small business!


Good morning Old School Cafe friends, and Happy Independence Day! We will be closed today to observe the holiday, and we will resume normal hours on Thursday. We hope you all have a fun and safe day! πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸŽ†


We plan to be open tomorrow and Sunday at 8 a.m.! Thank you for your patience this new year while we were closed. Doug's surgery went well, but his knee won't be back to full capacity for a few weeks yet. Because of this, our hours might be somewhat limited, but we'll do our best to get back to our usual hours as soon as possible! Feel free to call ahead to check in with us before you visit. 507-635-3663.


Good morning and Happy New Year! We are open, serving breakfast today until 11 a.m.! After today we will be closed until January 12th, Doug is having surgery so hours might be limited for a few weeks as he heals. Thank you for all of your support this past year, and here is to another great year in 2018!


You'd think it was hunting season around here or something! Thanks for joining us for breakfast today everyone. Be safe out there! 🦌


Linda is back at it. Cookies for sale! Pumpkin cut-outs, ginger, chocolate chip all $3/half dozen! She is also making pumpkin bars. Let us know ahead of time if you need a large order.


Be sure to watch KTTC 6:00 news tonight. They will air a story about our cafe!


Hello friends! We hope you are enjoying your Memorial day weekend. Just wanted to let you know we decided to open tomorrow for a few hours 8:30-noon. Stop in for a bite to eat!


There is still room for reservations at our Mother's Day Luncheon tomorrow at 3 p.m.! If you are looking for last-minute plans to celebrate MOM this weekend, this will be a fun afternoon!


πŸ€ We will be serving corned beef and cabbage with baby red potatoes on St. Patrick's day this coming Friday! πŸ€


*Notice* we will be CLOSED today due to the storm. Doug is out plowing and unable to be in the kitchen. We plan to resume normal business hours on Saturday. Sorry for any inconvenience. Stay safe if you must travel out there today!


Valentine's dinner 2017.


Here you can find pictures from Old School Cafe:


Here you can find videos from Old School Cafe:

Valentine's dinner 2017.

Do you have any more information about this restaurant?
Feel free to send us a message!

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